Ian Thorpe's feet size is 17 !!
There isn't much I can say about my feet - I guess I was lucky to be born with sized 17 feet.
They certainly help me to swim faster!
Anyway, well done to Ian Thorpe. It's worth the wait to see the
200 m freestyle final so late at 1.45 AM [not to forget to mention that the race last only for less than 2 minutes :-p].
PS. I don't know exactly how long (in centi metres) is a "17" sized feet. The conversion tables I found in the internet only shows until size 13 :-D. By doing some quick calculation, it should be about 32.6 cms (which is about 1.5 time the size of my feet). This guy must have a problem in buying shoes ....
And another thing ... got my PhD entrance examination today. And I feel that I am doing fine (which I hope at least guarantee me of not being kicked out :-).